Saturday, December 2, 2006

Chapter V: Where the Writer has a Sobering Thought...

Posted December 2nd, 2006 by JennyWren

Yesterday, life was like the weather, practically balmy, albeit dull. But sometime during the night, the winds came, bringing cold. At first it was exhilarating; even the horses felt that last rush of warmth in the air; they kicked up their heels and tossed their heads, actually playing with the wind. We watched them for a while from the window, and knew we had to get out and enjoy it, too.

Then later, ice, and a phone call.


Well, I apologize for my last post. I was a bit delirious. I was fighting a fever, and was up too late, a combination that should not be allowed near a keyboard.

The fever had me convinced that I was at the peak of heightened awareness, full of grand plans and brilliant thoughts, my senses keen. But I sounded like a drunken idiot; it doesn’t take much more than a lack of sleep to make me slap-happy.

Hmm…maybe I’ll become the Drunken Blogger. *hic*


I’ve been thinking about it, and I suppose that if I want to make a go of this, I’ll have to set up a regular habit of "blogging." This will probably need to coincide with me keeping a "journal" of sorts on my computer. I find it amusing that I worry about computer files being wiped out, when I won’t even write with an ink pen because it’s too permanent. The general idea is that I want to be able to refer to my own thoughts (narcissist that I am), but I don’t want them to stick around much longer than I do.

I should probably pause here, to insert a universal disclaimer:

Anything I write/post in this blog will be garbage…or worse.

There, that was surprisingly easy! I avoided all the trouble of explaining my weaknesses, assuring the world that I am aware of the awfulness of it all. :) So, if, Dear Reader, you come across something that is eye-scaldingly bad, you musn’t say that you haven’t been warned. Because, of course, everyone will naturally want to begin at the beginning, and will see this before anything else. Oh, that previous post? That was to scare off those with a weaker stomach. ;)

Well, there it is. And so our adventures begin…

1 comment:

LiveandLearn said...

On December 3rd, 2006 Petroglyph says:
No, don't take back that blog entry! Don't take any of them back. Your blog had me hoping you'd be updating it regularly. Besides: [quote=JennyWren]The fever had me convinced that I was at the peak of heightened awareness, full of grand plans and brilliant thoughts, my senses keen.[/quote] Sounds like what I experience when Inspiration moves me... Are you sure it wasn't that?