Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Well, here goes...

I've thought about keeping a blog before, but never quite followed through with it. Does anyone else get hung up when they're required to choose a name? That's not the only thing that's stopped me, of course. Mainly, I didn't know where I'd fit! We homeschool, but I often want to ramble about random things. I'm interested in homesteading, but I don't get much accomplished beyond dreaming. I want to write, but again, I have a hard time sticking to one focus! In the end, it's "just me", and whatever is on my mind at the moment.

I imagine it will take me a bit to settle in, figure out which buttons to push and knobs to turn. Ideally, this will be a place for me to jot down what's going on in my life, a sort of journal. Somewhere to vent, organize my thoughts, and look back through what's been happening. Hope I can stick with it.

So, we'll see. Here goes!

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