Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've Been Sucked In...

No pun intended, LOL. It's happened. I'm wrapped up in the world of Twilight. Just dabbling, I've told my friends and family. But, good grief.

Have read the first two books, waiting for my niece to finish the third. Sigh.

Between the author and the movie director/actors, they've NAILED the romance. The funny thing is, I recognize the formula, and I don't care. I want to know what happens to these characters. I don't read standard "romance novels" as a rule, but I have read Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, and I have to wonder if Stephenie Meyer has, too. No vampires that I recall, and definitely more, um, explicit, but all of the frustration and misunderstandings - Heather and Brandon, anyone?

So now I'm considering showing up for the midnight release of the DVD, and I'm following some role-players on Twitter, keeping up with the day-to-day in the Cullen family.

Dabbling, indeed.

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