Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'll Try It: First Things First

Well, as soon as I declared this project, I went into rebel mode. Couldn't think of anything good to try, couldn't find any of the hundreds of lists I've already made. Go figure.

So, I decided to think about other things. Yesterday was a fairly warm day; it feels like spring is just waiting around the corner (Sorry, spastica! I know you just got more snow!). As great as that sounds, it also reminds me that I'm behind on all of my grand plans. Every year, February is "crunch" time, time to make final decisions on some of the projects I typically like to start. I'm supposed to already have all of this year's seeds ordered (I don't). If I want to order chicks for spring delivery, February's the time, but I think I'll hold off on that this year. So, what's left?


If I want to keep bees, I need to order them in February! Ack! I hadn't decided! Was this the year I would take it up again? Was it too late to order?

Long story (sort of) short, I think I'm going to try it. Technically, the bees I kept the first time came to me already in their hive; I bought them from a keeper who helped me get started. This time, I would have to receive a 3 pound (@12,000 bees) swarm in the mail, in April...and put them in the hive myself...and I'm so there.

Looks like there will have to be categories in this blogging project. I think this one can fall under: I'll Try It, Again!

In the meantime, I’ll have to come up with some more immediate things to try. This really wasn’t a weasely attempt at procrastination.

1 comment:

LiveandLearn said...

On March 3, 2008, Crys said:

Cory wants to get bees once we have more property. We always have a ton at our house every spring and summer because of the plants and the clover.

*gets itchy spring fingers*